Estimate mileage claim for every driver hands down
Accurate calculations for every vehicle

Private vehicles

Company cars

Commercial vehicles
Make every mile count
Get the exact mileage of any present or past trips. Monitor miles driven for a single journey or the total trip count for the period.
Use this data to make precise calculations for fuel and other costs.

Deduct business costs faster and effectively
Distinguish between private and business trips in a matter of seconds with the Driver Journal. This tool will automatically log every trip: you just need to sort them into private, business or other.
Pay only for the business fuel on business trips. Don’t worry about forgetting any journey and receive the most fair tax deductions.
All trip data in one place
Get a bird’s eye view on the journeys a driver takes: monitor their duration, mileage, fuel consumption, average and max speed.
Specify journeys by countries or jurisdictions with a trip by state report. Calculate wages and prices more accurately, depending on the region of operation.