Digital to-do lists

Leave no
task behind

Turn an employee’s smartphone into a personal organizer. Power it with clear directions: where to go, what to do and when to get there. All tasks, comments and documents will be always at hand.

Digital to-do list

Provide your employees with detailed to-do lists at any time. One click on the date, and the tasks will be automatically sorted by proximity or by priority from the most to the least important.

Enable automatic routing. In case of road restrictions the app will calculate an estimated time of arrival and highlight the appointements that your field team might be late for.

Digital to-do lists
Digital to-do lists

Detailed assistance for every task

Help your field team to live up to your expectations. Supply each task with pertinent files and data

Attach any file. Create a task and attach any documents (contracts, electrical diagrams, etc.) that your field staff might need to excel at the task.

Fill in the forms online. Drive agility by attaching forms directly to the task. Supply the back office with orders, ratings and pictures fresh from the field with zero delay.

Add notes to the task and chat in the app. Need clarifications? Ask away in the in-app chat or add comments that can be useful for the whole team.

Automated reporting

B2Field makes reporting from the field go automatic. Save time and provide most accurate data-based reports on anything: from field performance to overall KPI.

Reporting tools will process:

  • Check-in data and actual visits
  • Arrival on site and delays
  • Visit duration
  • Collected data
  • Field pictures
  • Client’s rating
Digital to-do lists

SquareGPS Inc.
Россия, Москва,
2-й Казачий переулок, дом 4,
строение 1, 2 этаж

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