Business process

Improve efficiency and competitive performance of your team by automating business processes with B2Field.

Field Force Automation

Extra benefits

Integrate B2Field with any 3rd party applications or corporate solutions already adopted in your company.
Use our plugins to allow your customers track their orders in real time and stay updated on the estimated time of arrival (ETA).

Explore a powerful arsenal of B2Field integration tools to streamline, enhance and synchronize your business processes.

Website plugins and add-ons

Effortlessly embed B2Field plugins and add-ons into your website.

Field Force Automation

Courier on the map

Add this plugin to allow customers track their deliveries:

  • Enable customers to follow orders on the map in real time.
  • Display the estimated time of delivery.


Use this plugin to follow all your assets on the map:

  • Display all your field workforce on a single map.
  • Simultaneously track your entire fleet.

Discover how B2Field can streamline your business

Comprehensive and
powerful REST API

Our robust and easy-to-use API will help your technical team connect B2Field with any management systems if you need to process data for other corporate purposes.

Field Force Automation

Plug-n-play integrations

B2Field offers out-of-the-box integrations with popular management solutions for seamless and reliable data exchange. Easily import a list of scheduled tasks from your corporate CRM system to our platform, or export mileage per state data to your accounting solution for IFTA (International Fuel Tax Agreement) reporting.

Field Force Automation
Field Force Automation
Field Force Automation
Field Force Automation
Field Force Automation
Field Force Automation

Add custom applications to
enhance daily operations

Our API allows you to integrate separate B2Field components into your own application or website.

Conversely, you can add your own application into our platform to enable your team perform all business operations from a single web interface.

Make B2Field an essential part of the daily workflow to run your business with maximum efficiency.

Field Force Automation
Field Force Automation

Forward original data
in real time

B2Field enables you to forward real-time raw data directly to watchdog organizations or synchronize data with any other bespoke solutions.

A number of specific protocols for data forwarding guarantees instant data communication without losses and delays.

Our solution supports all the major data forwarding protocols. Free API will help you automate data fowarding management.

Explore advanced B2Field features for
mobile workforce management


SquareGPS Inc.
Россия, Москва,
2-й Казачий переулок, дом 4,
строение 1, 2 этаж

North America

Latin America


Near East


Asia Pacific