Deliver urgent tasks
with zero delay

If a task can’t be predicted, it doesn’t mean it should be skipped or done poorly. Find the nearest worker and send job details to their mobile device with no time wasted.

Provide uncompromised quality and increase productivity. Have more work orders done and cut expenses.

Search by proximity

New Tasks – signed, sealed and delivered

When an urgent job comes in, B2Field will find the closest employee with a required skill set. Enable effecient job dispatch to provide great service and do more with less resources.

An employee will immediately see the task and the details on their mobile device. Support your mobile team with optimized routes, customer comments and any media attached to excel at the task.

Spot available employees based on their status

Enable employee work statuses specific for your business, e.g. “driving”, “lunch break”, “at the cusomer”, etc. Mobile workers will easily set the right status to provide more visibility into their activities.

Instantly perceive what your employees are busy with and how far away they are. Assign tasks to the nearest and most suitable team members.

Search by proximity

SquareGPS Inc.
Россия, Москва,
2-й Казачий переулок, дом 4,
строение 1, 2 этаж

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