Online forms and attachments

data exchange

Easily exchange online forms, documents and other attachments between the field and the office to drive agility, efficiency and enhance productivity.

Instant and error-proof
data collection

Employ enhanced online forms to provide field data with zero distortion and zero delay.

Support back office with client orders, questionnaires, ratings fresh from the field to drive agility and deliver superior customer service.

Online forms will be tagged with time and location – use it for automatically generated performance evaluation reports.

Online forms and attachments
Online forms and attachments

Attach any files and documents

Enable valuable attachments to help your team out in the field. Billing documents or invoices, electrical diagrams and manuals – anything that would be of help can be attached in no time with drag and drop simplicity.

Prove great performance in the field with signatures, pictures, ratings,etc. Any data will be synced with the office in a matter of seconds.


SquareGPS Inc.
Россия, Москва,
2-й Казачий переулок, дом 4,
строение 1, 2 этаж

North America

Latin America


Near East


Asia Pacific