Retail and Distribution — Field Service Management

Retail and

Drive excellence from order to delivery

Work smarter, not harder

Effectively manage your teams and fleet.
Optimize order processing and offer better terms and prices to deliver superior customer service.

Retail and Distribution — Field Service Management

Management beyond office walls

Track your mobile workers on the move and at the site.
Exchange information quickly anytime during the working hours.

If you want to become a market leader, start with harmonizing your field- to-back-office communication with sales reps, merchandisers and couriers.

Working without supervision sometimes means bad performance: poor time management and planning as well as ineffective data exchange.

With B2Field you don’t need to take care of it – because we already did. All you have to do is enjoy the enhanced team efficiency and seamless customer service.

Retail and Distribution — Field Service Management

“We installed B2Field on our drivers’ smartphones and immediately felt the difference. The dispatcher has full visibility of job sheets and the daily big picture. All work orders and trip tickets are sent straight to the workers’ smartphones and any report is a matter of seconds thanks to customized mobile forms.”

Astra Motors

Retail and Distribution — Field Service Management

Smart management every step of the way

Schedule and assign jobs in real time and enable your team to get there fast and safe with automatic routing.

Reliably monitor customer visits, including their scope and duration for amplified customer service.

Gain immediate access to forms, pictures, files and customer sign-offs fresh from the field.

Estimate team performance and other valuable metrics in one click.

Retail and Distribution — Field Service Management

On-time deliveries

Streamline your daily processes and deliver more with less. Let B2Field match your schedules, vehicles and capacities to enhance profit and cut expenses.

  • Enable route optimizer and spend less time on the go
  • Monitor drivers, track their location and work progress
  • Assign jobs to the nearest available driver and have more work done
  • Go paperless and quickly respond to any emergencies
Discover how B2Field can streamline your business.

Improve productivity with B2Field

Explore advanced B2Field features to
automate routine operations

Retail and Distribution — Field Service Management

On-the-go Tracking

Real-time tracking of your drivers, merchandisers and sales reps on the map of your choice

Reduced Fuel Expenses

Reliable and precise data on miles driven and fuel consumed in the form of reports and graphs

Automated Trip Tickets

Trip tickets with all relevant data (manually input or uploaded) created at the click of a button

Preventive Maintenance

Condition-based maintenance. Maintenance and Insurance renewal reminder

Explore advanced B2Field features for
mobile workforce management


SquareGPS Inc.
Россия, Москва,
2-й Казачий переулок, дом 4,
строение 1, 2 этаж

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