Sales reps do better with in-app CRM and GPS tracking

B2Field CRM and field management software helps improve performance of your sales reps. Manage your field representatives with an all-in-one mobile app and track their activity at the point of sale via GPS.

Empower sales representatives to
make a bigger impact

Enhance the performance of your sales representatives with the visit planner and GPS tracking in B2Field CRM software. Refine two-way communication between your in-store reps, back-office and management with one mobile app. Monitor sales reps’ workload and create automatic reports to drive excellent sales execution.

Empower sales representatives to make a bigger impact

Mobile app to drive sales and performance in the field

Customer data online

B2Field allows to keep all customer data in the mobile application, so your sales reps can be more productive during store visits.

Contact data, previous orders or specific details will be close at hand in sales reps’ apple or android phones to negotiate personal deals and perform better outside the office.

Quick in-store orders

Equip your sales reps with B2Field software and they are always ready to take orders with easy-to-fill-out digital forms in their mobile app.

The orders sent to the office are available for tracking and distribution right away. Field sales operations become more compliant, as reps report on stock balance and product distribution using just one application.

GPS tracking software for sales reps’ visit analytics

GPS tracking software for sales reps’ visit analytics

Accurate data

B2Field GPS tracking software logs in store visits and generates reports to make field sales management reliable and automatic.

Get real-time photos and data from the sales representatives’ Apple or Android mobile app for outstanding sales execution.

Workload distribution

B2Field mobile app provides management with accurate sales reps stats to ensure sales growth. Use the tool to see how many clients each of the sales representatives met and check the visit duration.

Manage your field sales workforce in real time. B2Field software solution allows tracking the sales reps’ workload and their efficiency with task execution analytics software.

Контроль визитов

GPS tracking

Use a GPS tracking software to help your sales representatives choose the best routes to their customers’ sites and follow the schedule.

Sales Reps Mobile App with GPS tracker

Mobile forms

Reach out to your field team via mobile forms for fast and reliable data exchange between sales reps and management in B2Field mobile app.

Отчеты о ГСМ

Fuel reports

Cut fuel costs using GPS monitoring tools: reports on mileage, automatic fuel consumption reports
and trip history.

Ready to streamline operations of your sales representatives?

Well-organized sales reps with iOS and Android apps

Mobile tools for field sales execution

Manage all field sales operations in B2Field: use a scheduler, add customer data and track visits via GPS.

Sales reps won’t need to use outdated paper forms and Excel tables — switch to paperless checklists in the mobile app and digital report control to increase sales growth faster.

Field sales data management

Help your reps achieve the best results outside the office. Mentor your sales representatives through custom-built checklists in B2Field Apple iOS and Android apps.

Collect best retail and distribution insights with mobile forms and reports. Heatmap and location monitoring will show where to allocate your reps to the new spots if needed.

Well-organized sales reps with iOS and Android apps
Smart sales representatives management outside the office

Smart sales representatives management outside the office

Support your representatives with efficient and easy to use mobile tools for excellent sales pitches and KPIs.

Check automatic reports to evaluate the performance of your sales representatives outside the office. Monitor the number and duration of visits.

Eliminate mistakes in order processing and distribution using digital forms with customer’s signature.

We implemented B2Field over 3 years ago and have successfully been using it to improve visibility and order planning across the entire organization.

Janet Liu


B2Field is a feature-rich software platform that allows our regional offices to manage, monitor, and measure the performance of employees and vehicles.

Isabelle Newman

Isabelle Newman CEO “SplitLA”

We're really pleased with the performance of B2Field. We use the live tracking feature everywhere, all the time. It's a great time-saving tool.

Norman O’Brien

Norman O’Brien “Handy”

Help your sales reps sell better

GPS monitoring of visits outside the office, real-time customer data and e-forms in one mobile app.


SquareGPS Inc.
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