Support and Documentation

Geofences tool

A geofence is a defined area in a virtual setting, which corresponds to a real-world geographic location and is used to control objects inside or outside its perimeter.

Introduction to geofences

In B2Field, we refer to geofence as a virtual perimeter. When crossing its borders, the user gets an alert on the event. For example, if the construction equipment leaves the area set by the supervisor, the system will send a notification to the specified phone number or email address.

Apart from this, you can assign various rules for events to particular geofences. For example, if you need to get speeding alerts only within a certain area (e.g. in the city) or on a specific part of the route.

To access the Geofences tool, click on the polygon icon on the map right-hand toolbar. Here you can create and import new geofences or edit the existing ones. To display geofences on the map, simply mark the corresponding checkboxes.


Geofence types

There are three basic types of geofences available:

  1. Circle – geographical area with a given center and the shape of a circle with a minimum radius of 20 meters (radius and center of the circle are defined by user).
  2. Polygon – area bounded by an arbitrary polygon with any number of vertices.
  3. Route – allows to create a virtual perimeter between two (or more) points. E.g., it is used in order to ensure that a vehicle doesn’t deviate from a predetermined route, and if it does, an alarm can be set to alert the supervisor.

How to create a geofence?

  1. Locate the desired area on the map. You can use ‘Address search’ tool.
  2. Choose ‘Geofences’ tool by clicking on the Polygon icon at the bottom of screen.
  3. Click the Add geofence button.
  4. Choose one of three shapes from the list and enter geofence name.
  5. Draw a geofence on the map:
    • Circle – move a circle with a mouse by pressing the center of the circle. To change the size of the circle, pull the point on the edge of the circle.
    • Polygon – initially has a form of the correct pentagon, which can be easily changed. To add new vertices, you need to pull the mouse over the center of one of the polygon’s sides. To delete a vertex, just double-click on it.
    • Route – you need to choose start and end points, the system will automatically build a route between them. If you want to add more points on the route, drag the route with the mouse. Next, determine the area size.
    • Specify the name of the geofence and save it. Geofences you created can be edited or deleted.

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