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Map Layers

With “Map Layers” tool, the users can upload to the map their own custom data on static objects (i.e. buildings, infrastructure objects, etc.). The different kind of static objects you see on the map are actually divided into ‘layers’.

Unlike geofences, layers refer to cartographic information that can only be displayed on the top of the base map, and is not used in rules, notifications, and other active tools.  Layers come in handy when you need to quickly find the needed group of static objects on the map without cluttering it.

Layers can contain objects of three types:

  • Marker — a single object, such as a building or tower; an oil rig.
  • Zone — a polygon-shaped area, for example, a forestry area
  • Route — displayed in the form of a broken line, for example, a pipeline, power lines

It’s also possible to add some basic information about objects, including the name, description, links to graphic images (for example, photos of the location). This information will be displayed as a hint when clicking on the object on the map. Besides, you can color zones and paths in different colors.

The user can upload and add to the map any number of layers. Each of them can be displayed separately, updated, or deleted. With Map Layers tool, you can show/hide map layers from the map toolbar.

All the information on layers is displayed only within the corresponding user account and will not be available for the others.

Important: To start uploading the data, please first create a file using external applications such as Google Earth. Currently, only a KML extension is supported.

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