Support and Documentation


Auto-launch and Run in background

In order to enable the B2Field app to be automatically launched after the device starts up and allow it to get location updates when minimized or when a screen is locked, you should toggle the Auto-launch and Run in the background options.

To enable this option: Go to Settings → Apps & notifications → Apps→ B2Field → Battery→ Launch → Manage manually→ Auto-launch and Run in background → Slide the toggles to the On position.


Enable notifications to immediately receive information concerning the application performance, new tasks assigned, chat messages, etc.

To do this: Head to Settings → Apps & notifications → Apps→ B2Field → Notifications management → Allow notifications → Slide the toggle to the On position.

Location and memory access

Location services must be on in order for the B2Field application to track an employee’s location and direct it to the service.

For the app to function properly without an Internet connection, you should allow it to access the device’s memory.

To enable this option: Go to Settings → Apps & notifications → Apps → B2Field → Permissions→ Storage and Your location→ Slide the toggles to the On position.


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