Support and Documentation

Contacting the Support Team

If you have questions, problems or just need help with the service, you can contact our Support Team directly from your user account. We are always ready to assist you with any questions you may have.

To submit a question:

  1. Click Help in the bottom left corner of the menu.
  2. Proceed to Ask a question.
  3. Select the “Ask for help” option.
  4. Type your question.
  5. Click Send.
Contacting the Support Team

The Support team will answer you via email. Please note that the response will be sent to the email address used as a login to your user account.

You can as well contact our Support by phone or email:

While sending your support request by email, please make sure to specify the following information in order to get timely assistance:

  1. User ID which can be found in your User Account settings.
  2. Detailed description of your challenge.
  3. Screenshots, if possible.

SquareGPS Inc.
Россия, Москва,
2-й Казачий переулок, дом 4,
строение 1, 2 этаж

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