
Field service

find solutions to cut field service operations costs

How to cut field service business costs: a detailed guide

The cost of doing field service business is increasing annually. In case you don’t have accurate accounting, you might get a lower profit than expected. Here’s the list of recommendations for those business owners who want to assess the field service costs and profitability.

Managing pest control specialists

Managing pest control specialists: a clear work plan for high-quality service delivery

Since the coronavirus pandemic hit, the demand has surged for the sanitary treatment of premises, making the supervision of pest control and disinfection workers more relevant than ever. In order to deliver quality services, these professionals need to adhere to certain work standards. B2Field will help you set up efficient workflows and stick to the treatment guidelines.

5 simple steps for cleaning companies to improve the service and workforce management

5 simple steps for cleaning companies to improve the service and workforce management

There are currently two major trends taking shape in the cleaning market: first, increased demands for the quality of cleaning services on the part of customers, and second, companies that dump the prices. For a cleaning company this means providing companies with high quality services without additional cost increases. In this article we will share with you how to improve your service in 5 simple steps.

Coffee vending machine monitoring

Coffee vending machine monitoring: ensure smooth operation for a steady income

Constant monitoring and control of coffee vending machines is necessary to keep the vending machine making maximum profit. Without checking the equipment performance or providing proper maintenance in a timely manner, the machine will stand idle. In this article, we will share with you how the B2Field web-service and mobile app can ensure a smooth operation of the equipment and remote control of the operators.


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