
Field sales

Monitor your supervisors

How to supervise your supervisors: two easy and reliable methods

Heads of sales control their supervisors’ performance through monitoring ongoing work and assessing progress. But how could those processes be automated, say, in an app? With the B2Field app with just a few clicks, you can see what tasks a sales team works on or download a progress report. Let’s take a closer look at each method.

Los 5 principales problemas

Top 5 problems in managing sales reps you can avoid

Any mistakes “when in the field” lead to reduced profits and loss of clients’ loyalty. What are the most common concerns of mobile team leaders? What manipulations do field employees use? Here we are sharing B2Field’s experience and lifehacks to help you in your work.

8 steps for a smooth visit: a checklist for a sales rep

8 steps for a smooth visit: a checklist for a sales rep

Sales managers in leading companies admit that if a sales rep follows all the steps of a visit to a retail outlet, the revenue can be increased up to 40%. So what actions are necessary for such an increase in sales and how can a manager assist a sales rep? Read our article to find out.


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