Since sales reps work independently from each other, it’s hard for managers to monitor their performance. This begs the question: Which method of monitoring is most efficient? Continuous audits or mentorship for managing sales reps? Let’s see what experts and our clients think of auditing and mentoring and how they implement methods properly.
Audit of sales reps’ performance
An audit is one of the most popular tools to monitor sales reps’ performance. According to the research on sales reps’ management, most heads of sales constantly use audits in their work.
There are three methods of audit:
- Analyze the performance of the sales rep after they complete the visit schedule for the day. Check the reports, profiles, and questionnaires.
- Control the results of the work in person. The head of sales follows the sales rep’s route with a small delay or picks several retail outlets already visited by the sales rep.
- Use special software and mobile apps to control sales reps to track their location and download activity reports.
The first method brings risks of incomplete or incorrect information being provided by the employee. Find out more about other challenges heads of sales face and the ways to solve them.
The second method is the most reliable, but it’s the most time-consuming. It’s also difficult to conduct audits frequently since heads of sales must address the strategic issues. This method can also affect field performance as a lack of proper control can lead to poor performance.
With the third method, you can see the bigger picture in less time. Additionally, it is a trustworthy method due to the special tools used to supervise sales reps.
With B2Field sales reps app, you have the following tools to monitor the performance of your workers.
Employee’s location online
Monitor the location of your field representative in real-time using the visual and intuitive map. With the app’s built-in GPS tracker, you can track the sales rep’s visits in real time to determine if they follow their schedule.
Tasks completion
B2Field records information on task completion in real-time, meaning you can receive notifications when the field employee finishes the visit or if they’re late. You can set up notifications to receive both of these in the following ways: push notifications in the mobile app, in the service web interface, by mail.

Trip history
Use the trip history tool to find out where your mobile employee was at any particular time. It shows the list of visits, routes, and duration of the rides using GPS tracker data.
The duration of a visit affects the number of retail outlets that can be visited by a field rep. If you notice that your sales rep spends too much time on the road, you can apply B2Field’s proprietary route optimization. With this tool, you can choose the sites your sales reps will visit and the B2Field will offer the best route.
Engagement of field employees as a management tool
Teamwork proves to be one of the most efficient ways to manage a mobile workforce. Through mentorship, you can monitor the employee’s performance in the field and even improve their competencies. Use this type of supervision to increase sales.
Try to implement on-the-job training when your sales representative works as your intern: They can complete small tasks while gaining product knowledge.
After working together with their manager, it will be much easier for the sales rep to work in compliance with the company’s standards, and make visits that will lead to the deals. After training completion, you can guide and manage your mobile employee with the B2Field tools.
A checklist is a list of the key parameters the employee is to follow when working in the retail outlet. There’s no need for the sales rep to improvise during the visit — they just need to stick to the guidelines in the mobile app. Read about this tool to learn how to implement it to improve your sales reps’ performance.

Standardized reports
Create templates for reports on results of a visit to a retail outlet. Mobile forms are a flexible tool that can be easily adapted for any purpose so you can draft report templates for different business needs.
This template will be available in the sales reps’ mobile app. Your employee won’t miss out on important details and you’ll receive detailed reports.
Your field sales can share files and photos using mobile forms. All of this data is stored in the system and easily accessible at any time.

Hand over supervision of your sales reps to B2Field app
Combine different monitoring methods aimed at different results for the most efficient management. Special software will help you monitor sales reps’ activity at different stages:
- visiting retail outlets,
- trip history,
- interaction with a customer,
- work in the field.
Get accurate field data, enhance cooperation between your sales reps and the office, and release the head of sales from monitoring operational processes.